Print Options in Assessments
In an Assessment, you may choose to allow participants to print a copy of their responses, their own Results Page, or a blank copy of the Assessment.
Participant Results
Allow your respondents to print a copy of the Result Page in PDF format. The message included on your Results Page and Category Score Graph, if enabled, will be included in the printed copy.
Here’s how to enable this option:
- Select an Assessment to edit.
- In the Design menu toolbar, click on the Options icon and select ‘Print Options’ from the dropdown menu.
- Toggle on ‘Allow participants to print a copy of their results?’ under Participant Results.
- Preview the Assessment. You’ll see the Print Results option on the Results Page.
Print Assessment Responses
If you like, you can allow participants to print a copy of their answers after they submit a complete response or save an incomplete response. This feature can be useful if participants might want to keep a record of their answers.
Here’s how:
- Select an Assessment to edit.
- In the Design menu toolbar, click on the Options icon and select ‘Print Options’ from the dropdown menu.
- Under Assessment Responses, toggle on ‘Allow participants to view a copy of their response?’.
- You can choose from the following options:
- View all answer options and show participant’s choices presents three options:
- Show scores only for participant’s choices: If this option is selected, participants will be able to print Total Score obtained and scores for the selected answer choices.
- Show scores for all answer options: If this option is selected, participants will be able to print Total Score obtained and the entire Assessment, with selected answers choices and scores assigned for all answer options.
- Do not show scores: If this option is selected, participants will be able to print the entire Assessment with selected answer choices, but not the scores assigned to individual questions.
- For Print only the answer option(s) chosen by the participant, the following options will be available:
- Show scores for all questions: If this option is selected, participants will be able to view Total Score obtained and the selected answers with their respective scores.
- Do not show scores: If this option is selected, participants will be to view their selected answer choices but not the scores assigned to them.
- Save the changes.
- Preview your Assessment. The ‘View Responses’ option will be displayed on the Thank You Page as well as the Save and Continue Later page. This is exactly what participants will see, enabling them to download a copy of their responses.
Print Blank Assessment
You may allow participants to download or print a copy of the blank assessment in Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word format. This can be especially helpful when conducting paper quizzes or when participants may need to gather information from others before responding.
You can also provide important instructions for the respondents on the cover sheet before distributing the questionnaire on paper.
Here are the options to enable participants to download/print a blank Assessment:
- Select a project to edit.
- In the Design menu toolbar, click on the Options icon and select ‘Print Options’ from the dropdown menu.
- Under Blank Assessment, toggle on ‘Would you like to allow participants to download/print a copy of the blank assessment?’.
- Select Adobe PDF or MS Word.
- Enable ‘Would you like to provide a cover sheet with instructions?’ to add any important instructions you’d like your participants to know.
- Save.
- Preview the assessment. Once the above steps have been completed, a Print Blank Assessment option will appear on the participation page. This is exactly what the participants will see, enabling them to download a blank copy of the survey. Clicking on ‘Print Blank Survey’ automatically downloads a blank copy of the survey.
As needed, this option can be used to generate a document for collecting offline responses. These responses can then be organized in an Excel spreadsheet and you can import data into the platform.
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