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EX Project

    Adding Tags to Questions

    When viewing important metrics on the EX Dashboard, you’ll want to know which ratings apply to which aspects of your employees’ experiences with your brand. Are they showing their satisfaction with your location or your service, your responsiveness or your professionalism? Applying Question-level Tags to your EX metrics and drivers can help give you a better understanding of exactly what your metrics are measuring.

    For example:
    If you have one ESAT question that asks about a employee’s experience with their manager and another ESAT question specifically about onboarding, add a question-level Tag to each to make it easy to review satisfaction with these teams on the EX Dashboard.

    Here’s how:

    1. Create or edit an EX project.
    2. As you build, you may choose to add Tags to metric and driver questions.

      If you have a (non-EX metric) Rating question that you would like to review on the Dashboard, you can set it as a Custom Metric within Design or identify it as a driver question under the EX Dashboard Settings. Learn more.

    3. While creating or editing a question, click the Tags dropdown from the panel on the left and add one or more Tags as needed. You may also choose to add a Tag to all metrics and drivers in this survey project at the same time.
    4. If you’re editing a question and need to create a new Tag or a Category, click on Manage Tags and Categories within the Tags dropdown.
    5. If you’d like to update Tags after you’ve already created the question, hover over the question and click Tags in the displayed menu.
    6. To review all Tags in your survey project, click Tags in the Design menu bar.