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                                    Home Directory Build Your Directory Build Directory Using Project Responses

                                    Build Directory Using Project Responses

                                    Collecting information about your most important stakeholders through forms or survey projects? Turn those responses into a Directory to bring everything together! To build a Directory using Project Responses as a source follow the steps below:

                                    1. First, set up the project that you will use to collect responses.
                                    2. In the top left corner of your screen, click on Directories and select Create a Directory.
                                    3. Add the desired title and description for the directory. Next, click Create.
                                    4. Select the source to import the contacts as From Project Responses.
                                    5. Select the relevant project from the Select Project dropdown.
                                    6. Select Contact action from the following:
                                      • Create a perpetual connection: This option will import the Contacts based on a schedule that will set via automation rule and upon its run the Contacts will get imported/modified based on the set conditions and run schedule.
                                      • Import just this one time: This option will import the Contacts based on the responses already received. This option only works if the selected project is in published or expired state.

                                      Click Continue.

                                    7. Select the questions and metadata whose responses will be used to populate the Directory fields with data. You can refine the questions or metadata in later steps as needed. Click Continue.
                                    8. Next, you may rearrange the fields as needed to achieve the desired order. Simply drag and drop a question or metadata to your preferred location. The Directory fields will be created in the same sequence as they appear in this section. When done, click Continue.
                                    9. Within the Map Fields section, you can specify the type for each field being added to the Directory. The system may automatically identify some of the field types being imported. You can import any remaining values as custom fields, along with their appropriate field types. Available field types include:

                                      1. String – This field type is used for text-based information, allowing the entry of any combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.
                                      2. Email – This field type is used for storing any email address.
                                      3. Number – The field type is used for storing an integer value.
                                      4. Date – This field type is used for saving the date in one of the following formats: MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YYYY, YYYY-MM-DD
                                      5. Time – This field type is used for saving the time as: hh:mm or hh:mm:ss
                                      6. Date-Time – This field type is used for saving date and time in the following formats:
                                        • MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm
                                        • DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm
                                        • YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm
                                        • MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss
                                        • DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss
                                        • YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss
                                      7. Boolean – This field type is used for saving any Boolean values such as 1|0, Yes|No, Y|N, True|False. Any value pair used for this will be normalized to True and False after importing.
                                      8. Phone – This field type is used for saving phone numbers. You can also specify the country code for the saved phone numbers by clicking on the gear icon available next to the Field Type Column.
                                      9. URL – This field type is used for saving URLs.

                                      Each Contact must have an associated email address or phone number. Map these with the appropriate system-defined email or phone fields in the Attributes column.

                                    10. On the Map Fields wizard, you can modify and rearrange questions/metadata by clicking the Settings icon beside the Question/Metadata column. This option allows you to revisit the modal to add, remove, or rearrange questions/metadata to be mapped.
                                    11. Once you have completed field mapping, click Continue.
                                    12. If you have enabled Create a perpetual connection, you will be taken to the Automation Rules wizard. This step tells the platform which contacts to import when, based on the criteria and schedule specified here.
                                    13. In this wizard define the schedule for importing the contacts: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Custom or Instantly.
                                    14. Define the Start and End dates for the specified Automation Rule.

                                      The Instantly setting will execute the configured automation rule immediately, but only once.

                                    15. Select the desired action from the Contact Action that you want to be performed when the automation rule runs. The currently available contact actions are as follows:
                                        • Add Contacts: Inserts new contacts without modifying existing ones.
                                        • Update Contacts: Modifies existing contacts without adding new ones.
                                        • Upsert Contacts: Adds new contacts and updates existing ones if they already exist.

                                      During the initial Directory creation, the Upsert and Update actions will be unavailable because Contacts are not yet available. Once Contacts are added, you can enable these options by editing the automation rule and providing a Unique Identifier field in the next step.

                                    16. Enable Email Alerts on your registered email ID to stay informed about any of the following events:
                                      • Send alert email to confirm successful rule execution.
                                      • Send alert email if automation fails.
                                      • If exceptions are found when UIDs in the file are checked, send an email with a file of exceptions.
                                      • If exceptions are found, do not send, and disable further automation.

                                      You can also choose to send alerts to alternate email addresses by enabling the Would you like to send alerts to any alternate email addresses? toggle.

                                    17. Once you have set up the automation rule, click on Save Automation Rule. Add the desired name of the automation rule and click Done.
                                    18. Your automation rule is now set up and your Directory will be created. This process may take approximately five minutes.
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