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EX Project

    Best Practices for EX Touchpoint Surveys

    Your employees deserve the best. Before you launch an EX project, ask yourself:

    • What is the goal of asking these questions?
    • How do the structure, questions, and design help me accomplish the goal?
    • How will we use the results?

    If you don’t have answers — good answers! — to all of these questions, get some advice before you go live.

    What’s the goal?

    At each touchpoint in the employee journey, choose the most meaningful key metric(s) to measure.

    • Measuring a moment? A transactional survey checks in on the employee’s experience at a specific point in time.
      • If you’d like to know how pleased or displeased a employee is with a specific interaction, ask about satisfaction. Employee Satisfaction Score (ESAT) is a single question that gets right to the point. Satisfaction is one of the most straightforward measures you can use, and it’s easy for both you and your employees to understand.
        For example:
        If your employee has just received an order, ask how satisfied they are with the product they have in hand.
      • If you’d like to understand how easy or difficult a particular interaction is, ask about effort. Employee Effort Score (EES) asks employees to identify how easy you’ve made it for them to achieve their goals. Note here that the onus is on you as an organization to facilitate this process. Your employees shouldn’t have to struggle to get things done. Instead, you should be rolling out the red carpet to help them achieve their goals.
        For example:
        How easy was your sign-up process? A EES question can help you understand if your employees are facing too many hurdles in this critical first step.
    • Checking in? A relationship type survey collects employee feedback based more on experience over time than a specific interaction.
      • If you’d like to understand a employee’s broader experience with your brand, ask a Net Promoter Score question. eNPS measures employee loyalty, a deeper metric than simple satisfaction or effort. eNPS asks employees how likely they are to recommend your company to others, prompting a higher standard for reflection than personal satisfaction alone. These studies may be launched at periodic intervals, such as bi-annual or annual check-ins.

    How can the survey content and design impact results?

    Once you’ve identified the key metric(s) to include, you really only have room for a few more questions. A shorter survey will result in higher response rates, so pick your questions wisely.

    For each touchpoint or stage, consider the variables most likely to impact the employee’s experience. These variables are your Key Drivers.

    Key Drivers vary throughout the employee journey, but all of them have the potential to impact EX metrics, churn, and revenue. Understanding the important variables at every point in the employee journey is an important step in your EX program.

    For example:
    If you’d like to measure guest satisfaction with in-room dining, include the key metric (ESAT) along with the key variables you’ve identified as important at this point. Analyzing aspects like freshness, menu variety, and presentation can all offer insights, but you won’t know what’s most important until you ask!

    How can we use results?

    On your Dashboard, EX metrics can be reviewed quickly to see trends over time and to review and compare performance between Tags associated with critical touchpoints. Still, this is only part of the picture. EX metrics can deliver the answer to “What do they think of us?” but they don’t directly answer the follow-up question: “Why do they feel this way about us?”

    Adding Key Drivers allows you to drill down on why your employees chose a certain eNPS, ESAT, or EES rating. Whether you’re viewing a Key Driver Analysis Report for a specific project or reviewing Key Drivers for multiple Touchpoints together, these results give you a clear view of where and how you need to take action for the greatest potential improvement.

    Plenty of companies review employee feedback, but most often they focus too much on performance alone. In fact, analyzing both performance and correlation to the target metric gives much more powerful, actionable insights, and often saves both time and resources.

    For example:If you rolled out an in-room dining survey and judged results on performance alone, you might find that guests gave “variety of menu options” the lowest score. If you invest your energy in expanding the menu, though, you may find that there’s a very low correlation between menu variety and overall satisfaction. Sadly, despite your efforts, satisfaction might remain the same. If, however, you discovered that “freshness” had a low score but a high correlation to satisfaction, time dedicated to improving this aspect would show positive gains.