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    Export Deprecation – FAQs

    As we continue to build and develop our products to improve your experience, we will be updating our Data module. Our goal is to ensure a more efficient and user-friendly experience, and we appreciate your understanding as we make these enhancements. Not seeing your question answered below? Please book a support call, connect with your Account Manager, or reach out to support1@sogolytics.com.

    Export Deprecation: General

    Which export formats will be deprecated from the platform?

    As of December 1, 2024, data export will not be available in Access, HTML, or Word format.

    Why is this happening?

    A decline in utility relative to other export types has led us to deprecate these formats. While Word export will still be available within Individual Reports, this narrowed focus allows us to concentrate on enhancing functionality for more widely used export formats. For example, we are exploring opportunities to automate data export within this module, simplifying data management workflows. Additionally, to offer greater value and flexibility, we will be introducing a new JSON format, which can be easily integrated with other applications.

    Does this have any impact on data that I have already collected?

    Depreciating these reports will not impact your previously collected data. Your existing data will remain intact; only the reports will be deleted. You can leverage all the data you’ve collected to generate more powerful reports using Omni.

    What export should I use instead?

    Depending on your needs, you may choose from Excel, CXV, XML, SPSS, JSON, or Sogolytics1 format. If you intend to import data back into the platform, we recommend using our specially designed Sogolytics1 format.

    What if I want to export data in Word format?

    Within the Reports module, you may choose to download Individual Reports in Word.

    What if I want to export data in Access or HTML format?

    These options will not be available from December 1, 2024.

    Does this change have any impact on data that I have already collected?

    No, the deprecation of these export formats will have no impact on your data.

    We’re here to help!

    Please reach out if you have any additional questions.

    • Book a 1:1 support call from within your account.
    • Reach out to your Account Manager.
    • Email us at support1@sogolytics.com.