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EX Project

    Employee Satisfaction – ESAT

    ESAT is used to measure how happy a employee is with a specific company, product, or service. To measure ESAT, businesses directly ask employees to rate their satisfaction on a 1 to 5 scale.

    Add a ESAT question by dragging and dropping it from the question menu on the left. Text for the ESAT question is automatically generated. We strongly recommend that you use the default text. The only change you should make is to insert the name of your brand, company, or service.

    Answer choices are graded on a 1 to 5 scale, where 1 represents Very Dissatisfied and 5 represents Very Satisfied. The scale for a ESAT question cannot be changed. However, if needed, you can reverse the scale as 5 to 1.

    Your respondents will be grouped into the following categories:

    • Satisfied: Employees who provide responses from 4 to 5. These respondents are satisfied with your product/brand/service/interaction, will recommend you to their network, and will continue to buy from you.
    • Neutral: Employees who choose 3. These are unenthusiastic employees. They may defect to competitors if they see any available benefits.
    • Dissatisfied: Employees who pick 1 or 2. These are employees who feel that a product or service was not provided as expected.

    Employee Satisfaction Score Calculation:

    To calculate the ESAT score, the percentage of satisfied employees (those who chose 4 or 5) is divided by the total number of survey responses received.

    ESAT = (Number of Satisfied Employees [4 and 5]/Number of Survey Responses)%

    The Employee Satisfaction Score can range between 0% (Very Unsatisfied) to 100% (all Satisfied).

    Score category analysis:

    • ESAT scores greater than 80%, shown in green, are considered excellent.
    • ESAT scores from 40 – 80%, shown in orange, are considered neutral.
    • ESAT scores from 0 – 40%, shown in red, indicate that the majority of employees are dissatisfied.

    Learn more about adding Tags to your metric questions to analyze data on the EX Dashboard.

    Within this question type, the following options are available:

    • Mandatory Response: Require participants to respond to a critical question.
    • Encouraged Response: Nudge participants who skip a question to reconsider by displaying a customized request message.
    • Data Population: Pre-fill answer(s) during distribution or complete post-participation.
    • Question Hint: Add extra information that can help provide clarification for participants.
    • Show scale in reverse order.
    • Display Format: Set display format as smileys or smiley sliders.
    • Customize Style: Choose from a list of smiley scale types.