    Home Quiz participation Retake an Assessment

    Retake an Assessment

    If a participant fails your Assessment, you might want them to give them a second chance. With a bit of planning, you can save yourself the trouble of manually re-sending the Assessment to each participant. With the instructions below, you’ll invite participants to take the quiz through a single-use link email invitation, and if they fail, they’ll be automatically delivered a second chance through an automated email containing a new link and customized password.

    Sound good? Here’s how to make it happen:

    1. Create an Excel spreadsheet that includes the following columns and participant details:
      • Email Address
      • Name
      • Attempt Number (Enter ‘1’ for all participants)
    2. Upload this spreadsheet as a List in Contact Manager and title it ‘Attempt 1’.
    3. In the same original Excel spreadsheet, replace every ‘1’ in the Attempt Number column with a ‘2’. Save the file.
    4. Upload this spreadsheet as a new List in Contact Manager and title it ‘Attempt 2’.
    5. Create an Assessment.
    6. Add extra questions for email address, name, and attempt number. Use Data Population to mark these questions as ‘Pre-hidden’.
    7. Assign scores to your questions.
    8. Modify the Results Page to meet your needs.
    9. Go to Distribute and publish your survey using Survey Passwords.
    10. Choose the Single Use password method and make sure Pre-population is enabled
    11. Use your ‘Attempt 2’ contact list to generate passwords.
    12. Download the passwords and copy the survey link.
    13. Go to Design. In the Design menu bar, click on Instant Alerts and select Rules & Alerts from the dropdown menu.
    14. Set your triggering event to be based on the score obtained by participant. Set the ‘fail’ range accordingly.
    15. Choose to deliver the email to the Assessment participant.
    16. Within the email content, customize your message, then paste the survey link you copied from the survey password document.
    17. Within the email, click the piping option and select Email address as the piped-from question. This email address will be the participant’s password for use in accessing the survey through the link you’ve copied.
    18. Customize your message to make expectations as clear as possible, including any relevant timeline.
    19. Finally, go to Distribute and send your assessment through single-use email links. Use the ‘Attempt 1’ List and make sure you pre-populate the relevant fields (email address, name, attempt number).
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