The best customer experience software helps you build a foundation of trust and loyalty with your customers, nurturing advocates who are passionate about your company.
Enable omnichannel feedback collection
Reach out to customers through their preferred channels, including email, SMS, website, apps, QR codes, and social media. Want fresh data? Automate feedback collection with our easy-to-use customer experience solutions.
Listen to the voice of the customer
Build understanding of customer sentiment through proactive engagement and deep listening and learn how to deliver experiences that resonate.
Optimize the customer journey
Take a close look at every phase in the customer journey to identify friction points to resolve and successes to learn from and celebrate.
Capitalize on customer feedback analytics
Track trends in important metrics like NPS, CSAT, and CES. Identify key factors that drive satisfaction and loyalty through Key Driver Analysis, NLP, and more. Prioritize action items that have a tangible impact on customer experience – and business growth.
Close the loop quickly
Streamline workflows with our integrated customer experience solution to welcome, process, and follow up with feedback as you build trust along the way.
Turn real-time feedback
into instant insights
Your customer just made a purchase – but are they satisfied with their experience? Invite fresh feedback with an automated SMS invitation to a beautifully branded survey. As soon as they respond, find out whether they’re good to go – or if follow-up is required to resolve any issues. Real engagement in real time.
Meet the customer experience platform that uncovers customers’ real motivations, enabling you to create truly memorable experiences. It’s no wonder that SogoCX is one of the top customer experience management platforms on the market today!
Check all the boxes with SogoCX
Uncover the why behind the metrics
Turn around a bad experience
Streamline success with integrations
Provide a seamless customer experience and simplify your internal workflows by integrating Sogolytics with your critical tools and processes.
Timely follow-up improves response rates and delivers better quality data. Set up automated distribution flows to send email or SMS invitations to collect fresh feedback.
You deserve CX software that integrates with your top tools, like Salesforce and Tableau, enables multi-tool flows through connectors like Zapier, and makes your life easier.
Got your own workflows in place and want to push data, pull data, or make other magic happen? Control your connections with API.
Push data from your survey responses right to the third-party applications of your choice so you’ll always have the right data in the right place.
It’s your data –
what do you want to know?
You’ve just noticed what looks like a trend – your NPS is dropping. What’s up? Comparing NPS trends across locations, you find one is plummeting and bringing the rest down. Filtering, you uncover the key drivers impacting this specific location and call up the manager to make an action plan for improvement. Your insights, delivered by Sogolytics.
What is Customer
Experience Management?
In the age of constantly evolving consumer expectations, your biggest business differentiator is the experience you deliver. How do your customers feel when they interact with your business? Do they trust your business to not only meet their basic needs, but to deliver on their highest expectations? This not only determines how loyal your customers are, but also how likely they are to recommend your business to others. Our powerful customer experience management platform helps business understand and identify customer concerns, map out the customer journey to better understand what matters the most, and implement predictive analytics to assess how various SogoCX helps organizations better strategize, optimize experiences, and maximize ROI, creating brands that become icons.
While a survey tool can deliver great insights, managing customer experience requires the ability to bring together data from multiple elements of the customer journey. A comprehensive dashboard, customer journey mapping, and analytics that incorporate both operational and perception data from across the customer experience are a few hallmarks of customer experience management platforms.
A flexible CX software solution should enable you to track the metrics that matter most to your organization’s goals. If you’re focused on loyalty, Net Promoter Score (NPS) should be a top priority. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) and Customer Effort Score (CES) are two additional cross-industry CX metrics that deliver insights into the customer experience at key stages of the customer journey.
Customer Experience (CX) is a customer’s perception of your brand across all interactions they’ve had with you, and CX software works to measure and track changes in these perceptions. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the practice of building stronger relationships with prospects and clients by centralizing all relevant data. Integrations between CRMs and CX software – like Salesforce and Sogolytics – deliver powerful insights to engage and retain clients and inspire brand ambassadors.
It’s a common misconception that only large enterprises need to worry about customer experience management. After all, if you just have a few customers, you should already know what they think, right? In reality, while personal relationships offer a strong foundation on which to build your business, customer experience management software offer a more sustainable way to expand your capacity while keeping you connected with your customers every step of the way. Who wants better client connections, improved retention, and expanded business growth? Everyone!
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