This is a difficult post to write, but its message is critical.
While companies, governments, and individuals around the world struggle to comprehend and respond to the horrific attacks on Ukraine, the courage and strength of Ukrainians in the face of this terror leave us with one clear message: We must all stand with Ukraine.
We are a company built on the importance of feedback, and of using technology and critical thinking to turn data into decisions. Today, the data is overwhelming and the decision is undeniable: We must all stand with Ukraine.
Our team is made up of real humans with real values. Not all of our families are Ukrainian, but some of them are. Not all of our friends are in harm’s way, but some of them are. Not all of the places we’ve lived and loved are being brutally devastated, but some of them are. As long as any of us are at risk, we all are: We must all stand with Ukraine.
What can we do to help?
As a company and as individuals, we are donating to humanitarian organizations and initiatives to support those in Ukraine and those who have been forced to flee as refugees. We are raising our voices in advocacy, appealing to our elected officials and across our networks, rallying with crowds and praying at vigils. We are reading, listening, learning, and taking a critical approach to issues like misinformation, cybersecurity threats, and environmental impact – too many areas of concern to list.
We stand with individuals and with businesses who are making clear and conscientious decisions to do the right thing. Some others throw up their hands and dismiss this situation as “too complicated” or “too messy” to get involved, while still others seem to hope that this war will somehow resolve itself if they just ignore it for long enough. Really?
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been devastated by the news, but also overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and connections. One friend told me she was really surprised to discover how many people in her life are connected to Ukraine. Yes. We are. Without too much effort, you may discover the same.
Now is the time to lean in. Explore Ukrainian culture and history. Wear blue and yellow. Put sunflowers in your vases and candles in your windows. Eat Ukrainian food. Read Ukrainian literature. Watch Ukrainian documentaries and comedies. Listen to Ukrainian music, of which there is an astonishing proliferation. Need a quick start?
- The Ukrainian National Anthem
- Rousing remix of a classic folk song by a rockstar who left his US tour to defend Ukraine
- A moving song and disturbing video – Я — УКРАЇНА (I am Ukraine)
Take action
There’s no shortage of ways to help. If you’re looking for ideas, here are a few:
- Stay informed. Seek trusted news sources with verified information. Sadly, the official website of Ukraine,, has been transformed into a crisis response center, but it offers updated information and numerous opportunities to donate. (At the bottom of the page, you can also visit a “before the war” view.)
- Be a critical consumer of information. Social sharing means inaccurate information can spread quickly. Be careful about checking your sources before sharing information. Some popular stories turn out to be not entirely true. Some “fundraisers” or “safe havens” turn out to be anything but.
- Advocate. We believe in speaking up. In providing critical feedback. In sharing our thoughts and raising our voices. What does this look like to you?
- Speak up: Phone calls, emails, and letters to your elected officials really do make a difference. Tell your representatives to represent! If you’re in the US, here’s an amazingly easy way to send to your local reps, prepped by Returned Peace Corps Volunteers who served in Ukraine.
- Gather: Rallies and vigils, prayer services and marches, concerts and other events can be powerful ways to support others in person and to convey support to those far away.
- Donate. From the Ukrainian National Bank to international relief agencies to smaller local groups to individuals, so many are seeking financial support to deliver practical support.
- Help Save Ukraine – a master site of numerous options for donation and support
As Martin Luther King, Jr., reminded us, “The time is always right to do what is right.” It is time for us all to #StandWithUkraine.
Слава Україні! Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine!
Героям слава! Heroiam Slava! Glory to the heroes!