The Korean drama “Squid Game” has taken the world by storm. The nine-episode show has become Netflix’s most watched series, reaching more than 111 million viewers (and counting). The program has become a global phenomenon with its anxiety-inducing games, adrenaline-fueled twists and turns, and mind-boggling suspense.
But if you watch each of the “Squid Game” challenges closely, you can learn a little bit about how to tackle customer experience (CX) challenges as well. In “Squid Game,” there is a strategy in place for each life-threatening game, and players who overlook small details meet an unfortunate demise. Isn’t that the same for businesses, too — albeit less dramatically? In the quest to get ahead of the competition, many businesses often overlook minor details that can have dire consequences.
With that in mind, let’s look at some CX challenges through a “Squid Game” lens, and what you can do to win the game of “customer experience management.”
Red Light, Green Light: Pay attention to your surroundings — slow and steady may not win the race
- Focus on key parameters: touchpoints, two-way interaction, engagement
- Your actions should include: fully understanding the customer journey, the use of impactful marketing communication and open conversation, rapid action, and trust building
Just like in the show’s Red Light, Green Light challenge, winning at CX means you’ll need to observe and listen, analyze the situation, and act fast.
With SoGoCX, you can understand customer sentiment, and how they feel about your business, products, or services. The platform also gives you practical insights so you can act quickly.
Tug-of-War: Strategy is better than strength — don’t be intimidated by the giants in your market
- There should be a method to your madness
- Have a clear customer experience vision
- Create an effective and sustainable marketing strategy: this transformation should lead to customer success/satisfaction, and improvement in the customer experience
- Prioritize tasks and collaborate with leaders and team members to combine vision, strategy, and innovation — all backed by customer insight
In the game of tug-of-war, a team of strong players is no match for a well-coordinated, gutsy team with the right battle plan. With SoGoCX, you can optimize your customer experience management strategy and grow your business to win the game against the competition, no matter how big they may be!
Honeycomb Challenge: Time is ticking — prepare to think outside the box
- Be creative when reaching out to your customers — don’t rely on old and outdated methods
- Reach out to your customers through more than one channel
- Reach out to them when they are active and ask questions that resonate with them
Like carving out a hard-candy shape with just a tiny needle, you don’t need to use complicated, expensive tools to get the job done. A flexible, user-friendly solution like SoGoCX can help you beat the CX challenge and retain customers.
Marbles: Don’t be naïve — be well-informed before making any business decision
- Be proactive, not reactive — don’t be shortsighted with your CX strategy, and don’t change direction every time a problem occurs
- Don’t lose all your marbles to sloppy execution — stay ahead of the game and predict trends
With the help of SoGoCX, you can take a deep dive in your target market and discover a winning strategy to elevate your business.
Glass Bridge Challenge: Follow the path well taken — learn from your competitors’ mistakes
- Leave the road less taken for traveling!
- For business, you need real data and analytics to move forward
Closing the loop and reaching out to customers can be as difficult as differentiating between real and tempered glass, just like in glass bridge challenge of “Squid Game.” But with comprehensive solutions like SoGoCX, you can tackle just about anything, and turn customers into brand champions.
Are you ready to elevate your business game? Contact us for a free demo.