Yesterday, we talked about ways to leverage your distribution channels in order to maximize data collection.
But, really, data for data’s sake isn’t worth much. So, how can you best use your distribution channels to collect reliable, high-quality data?
Limit the number of responses
By sending single-use links, you make it impossible for one person to take the same survey more than once — or for any additional person to take the survey via that one link.These links are not tracked through IP addresses; they’re tracked by our system through a unique link.
Let participants self-invite to your survey
You know how data corruption occurs — someone with too much time on his hands takes your survey multiple times, thereby skewing your results. Limit this occurrence by forcing participants to invite themselves by sharing their email addresses.
Stay on top of ballot box stuffing
With little extra work on your part, you can easily detect and automate occurrences of ballot box stuffing via Sogolytics’s Report module. Then you can choose how to treat the data — Include All, Include a Few or even Exclude All.
I hope these discussions have given you some food for thought as you go about creating and distributing your surveys.
By distributing your surveys through our platform, you’ll reach a wider number of participants, increase your response rates and obtain high-quality data.
And, really, isn’t that what it’s all about?